The Latin American Checkbook
Revolutionary Members (an open secret)
....from the Chávez government to Peronist candidate Cristina Kirchner in the 2007 Argentine presidential race. For Mr. Chávez, who appears to be still toiling at a number of other similar projects around the region, the bad publicity is devastating.
...That testimony jibes with reports from Bolivia that the Venezuela ambassador travels the country handing out checks to mayors who support President Evo Morales. Meanwhile, in Colombia, pro-Chávez Senator Piedad Córdoba recently admitted that a PdVSA subsidiary gave her $135,000.
..One of the most egregious examples of Venezuelan influence in the domestic politics of neighbors is in Nicaragua, where the old Sandinista Daniel Ortega is now president. Venezuela is supplying 60%-70% of Nicaragua's annual crude-oil needs through a program that allows Mr. Ortega to pay only half the bill. The other half is a 25-year loan. After that the web gets tangled indeed.
In El Salvador, where the former guerrilla group FMLN is hoping to win the presidency in March, FMLN mayors have a company called Alba Petróleos. It receives gasoline and diesel on favorable terms from Venezuela, sells it at a slight discount to the market at its filling stations and captures a fat profit. This allows it to dominate the retail market, and may explain why the party is awash in campaign cash -- some speculate upwards of $60 million
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